
We propose to analyze the education of the young horse, from the point of view of humans as well as of horses, not in the form of ‘dressage’ but as a professional training that prepares the horse for its future job.

Start date


End date



The overall objective of the project is to demonstrate that the education of the young horse consists, as part of the Blondeau method, of an initial professional education for the horse but also as a professional training for the human/horse couple. Indeed, professionals in the equine world sometimes encounter difficulties with the behaviour of their horses that have not had a good initial training. This situation leads to horse behaviour that can be dangerous and cause harm not only to humans but to the animals themselves. This is why we examine, from the theoretical frameworks of the clinic of work, the coherence between the training of the horses and that of the horsemen. The horses concerned are intended for racing (gallop, flat and obstacle), trot, Olympic disciplines and leisure. The education in the form of initial training becomes a label of professionalism and a lever of innovations for the activity of trainer of young horses, which is not recognized today as a profession in its own right, as well as a label of professionalism also for the horse itself.




Ecole Blondeau

 INRA (UMR Innovation)


SIRA (Animal’s Lab)


Normandy region