
Training of PhD students

The UMR is part of three PhD schools in Montpellier: GAIA (agronomy), EDEG (economics and management), ED 60 (geography and sociology).

With 14 of its members accredited to supervise research (HDR), the UMR hosts around 35 PhD students every year. It conducts specific training activities, writing workshops, seminars, etc.

Hosting of Master’s or Engineer students

Each year, the UMR hosts around 25 students at the Master’s or Engineer level. They are offered stage time to present their work.

Organization of educational activities at the Institut Agro Montpellier

The UMR’s researcher-teachers coordinate several specialization options at the Institut Agro Montpellier (RESAD, TERPPA), the IPAD Master's, as well as several teaching units (Unités d’enseignement, UE) in which the UMR’s researchers participate:

  • UE Management of peri-urban territories (Gestion des territoires péri-urbains), TERPPA Engineer option.
  • UE Co-design and support of changes in farms (Co-conception et accompagnement du changement dans les exploitations agricoles), RESAD Engineer/Master's option.
  • UE Insertion of farmers into markets (Insertion des agriculteurs dans les marchés), MOQUAS Engineer/Master's option.
  • UE Innovations for sustainable food systems (Innovations pour des systèmes alimentaires durables), IPAD Master's.
  • UE Sociology and economic anthropology (Sociologie et anthropologie économique), ECODEVA Master's.

Participation in university courses in the Global North and the Global South

AgroParisTech, Paul Valéry University, Agronovia Master’s at the University of Ouagadougou, EDRA Master’s at the University of Yaoundé, LAFS Master’s at the Autonomous University of Mexico State, UFRRJ, etc.

Continuing education, MOOCs and platforms

  • InterGI on geographical indications
  • Land policies and urban farming
  • Climate change
  • Agroecology MOOC
  • Platforms: Boost-AG, Récolte, etc.