Joint Unit Research «Innovation»

A multidisciplinary community of more than 130 individuals, mainly from CIRAD, INRAE and Institut Agro Montpellier.

Researchers and researcher-teachers with skills in agronomy or the social sciences (economics, sociology-anthropology, geography, management sciences, law).

Academic and operational research conducted in France and abroad, with private or public partners involved in agroecological, climate and food transitions.

Nuage des Thématiques UMR Innovation

Our overall objective

To produce knowledge and inform scientific and societal debates on the innovation processes involved in transformations and transitions in agricultural and food systems:

  • by analysing and supporting concrete innovation situations in agricultural territories, at several different scales, with different geo-political contexts in the Global North and the Global South,
  • by developing methods and tools that facilitate the participation of actors of innovation, from design to impact assessment,
  • by helping public and private actors in their decision making to successfully undertake agroecological, climate and food transitions.

Our three specific objectives

  • Objective 1 : To compare theories and develop an analytical framework on the processes of innovation and transformation of agricultural and food systems;
  • Objective 2 : To document, analyse, share and compare knowledge on concrete innovation situations in agricultural territories in the Global North and the Global South;
  • Objective 3 : To analyse, design and leverage participatory methods that promote innovation for the transformation of agricultural and food systems.