Project to support the establishment of geographical indications in African countries - PAMPIG 2

West and Central Africa produce many well-known origin-specific products. How to recognize, protect and promote them? This is the objective of the PAMPIG 2 project coordinated by the regional organization OAPI – African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI).

Start date


End date



For the 17 OAPI member countries in West and Central Africa, the official recognition of well-known origin-specific local products that have territorial roots is important, both for the recognition and protection of their heritage and as a tool for economic development.

Indeed, geographical indication can allow products with a specific quality or reputation to establish their identity, to structure an economic organization and to enhance their added value. As the sectors concerned often consist of small producers, this is an issue that truly has the potential for poverty reduction.

Penja pepper and Oku honey in Cameroon and Ziama-Macenta coffee in Guinea were the first three GIs in sub-Saharan Africa to be registered, thanks to the first phase of the PAMPIG project, which ended in 2014.

This second phase of the PAMPIG project aims to build upon the achievements of these three pilot geographical indications and to support the registration of at least six new GIs while strengthening technical and support capacities at both the national and regional levels.


17 OAPI member countries in West and Central Africa, and, more specifically, four pilot countries, including Cameroon, Guinea and Ivory Coast.
